It was my 60th birthday yesterday. It certainly is weird to cross over to the sixties. I don't feel 60 ( well maybe when I'm on rev/ dex). But for now it's cool. The weather in California is fabulous around 95 here where I live but cool at night. This is only for a few days.
I've been off dex ,rev for three weeks and I feel really good. I should get my m protein results this week. Since I wasn't at zero, like I thought, but .18 , I'm guess its going to slowly rise. I'd like to stay off drugs till after Christmas , but well see.
Still working on my minimalism in the house, but haven't done much this week. I will go thru some Halloween stuff today. Really though less is more and there less stuff to clean. I'd like to still get rid of more.
Happy birthday to me, 7 years post dx.