We're going up to Tahoe for a night , B to work, me just have fun. We were going to bring the bikes but its suppose to rain tomorrow. So, well walk as much as I can. That's about 2 miles. Wish it was more, but I am always grateful I can at least do that.
Finished reading "the Last Runaway" by Tracy chevalier . It was absolutely great. She is a very good writer and this story of a young Quaker woman was very moving. We have our roots in Quakerism as B and I were married in a Quaker meeting and were Quakers for many years.
I'm feeling pretty good. Maybe a little tired, I don't see my hem/ onc till mid June , which makes me a little nervous if my m protein is going up. I've had some rib discomfort on both sides so I get scared its lesions. But I must stay strong and positive. And we'll see
I've loved my new little freezer and filling it. Well, that's a long way off, but I have prepared 2 lasagnas, 1 stuffed shells, and 8 small double stuffed potatoes. There's so many ideas in the Not your Mothers freezer cookbook.http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_21?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=not+your+mothers+freezer+cookbook&sprefix=Not+your+mothers+free%2Caps%2C411
I'll try and post some pictures of Tahoe. I'm still trying to figure out blogging and would like to switch to another forum but not sure how? Any ideas?