Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week end to do list and menus

It's Memorial Day weekend, it's beautiful here in northern ca. I don't have much planned ,

  1. Make menu for week
  2. Work out the very slim budget to now include the dreaded SL
  3. Go to staples for a new budget book( I have coupons)
  4. Go to the store for a few items(again)
  5. Walk
  6. Do a little Flyday stuff
  7. Make 2 freezer meals, stuffed potatoes, and French toast I think.
  8. Vacuum , mop floor
  9. Read!
  10. Maybe get paint for a small cabinet I want to do.
Menu for week
Saturday, meatloaf, and freezer baked potatoes salad, grilled tofu
Sunday, steak, tofu, salad, beans
Monday, grilled chicken, black bean burgers, salad
Tuesday, pasta of some sort
Wednesday, birthday dinner?
Thursday, .?
Friday, tacos

Well see how it plays out.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Moving my blog, mostly..

I'm trying to move over to word press. The address is http://christina1952.wordpress.com
I'll try and do both blogs for a while.
It has been an incredibly stressful day. First I had to go get a blood draw , she left a nice mark:(
Then it was off to the dentist for a cleaning. Always a bit of a stress since I hate sitting in that chair.
Then the worst was dealing with the student loan people for , 45 minutes the first time. My disability
 is finally in the system but not quite figured out by all departments. Then another call to the disability
People again, they had me on hold for 30. Minutes. The transferred me twice to someone. So I was
 getting pretty upset.  
The next guy said he'd look into it, so I came unglued, then around 45 min later he called back and said just yesterday it was 
Updated in the system, but they still didn't know my husbands amount or what the payment will be.
So I'm still stressed over it but at ,east there's some progress.
What a pain....
So I'll update when I hear.
I'm pretty sure I hear a glass of wine calling and I need to figure out dinner. It's really a good thing I'm not on chemo and steroids or I hate to think what I would have done today....

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday night chit chat

  • Reading? The new Jack Reacher"A Wanted Man" , very good.
  • Listening to? We were listening to the wind.
  • Watching?later, Castle.
  • Cooking/Baking? Made the stuffed shells ,from the freezer cookbook, a big salad with blue cheese dressing.
  • Happy you accomplished this week?alot with my new freezer cookbook.
  • Looking forward to next week? I have next Saturday off, so I'll go to the farmers market!
  • Thankful for today? My 2 great kids, my cancer is stable, and my husband.
  • *Bonus Question* Do you like your name? Would you change it if you could?
  • I've always liked Anne or Annie.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tahoe, on a Wednesday!

We're going up to Tahoe for a night , B to work, me just have fun. We were going to bring the bikes but its suppose to rain tomorrow. So, well walk as much as I can. That's about 2 miles. Wish it was more, but I am always grateful I can at least do that. 

Finished reading "the Last Runaway" by Tracy chevalier . It was absolutely great. She is a very good writer and this story of a young Quaker woman was very moving. We have our roots in Quakerism as B and I were married in a Quaker meeting and were Quakers for many years. 

I'm feeling pretty good. Maybe a little tired, I don't see my hem/ onc till mid June , which makes me a little nervous if my m protein is going up. I've had some rib discomfort on both sides so I get scared its lesions. But I must stay strong and positive. And we'll see

I've loved my new little freezer and filling it. Well, that's a long way off, but I have prepared 2 lasagnas, 1 stuffed shells, and 8 small double stuffed potatoes. There's so many ideas in the Not your Mothers freezer cookbook.
I'll try and post some pictures of Tahoe. I'm still trying to figure out blogging and would like to switch to another forum but not sure how? Any ideas?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday ,this and that!

Well, it's not good news for our cat,Tucker. He has feline diabetes .They wanted us to start right away with day long testing etc. for over $500. So, my daughter said we'd think about it . She didn't like the office personnel , although he doctor was nice she said. I think we'll go back to the vet we usually use, it's just it's 25 min away. But they are great. There are some natural remedies, but I think we'll get him stabilized and go form there. I know we can't afford 118 a month for cat treatment.

Also, something is happening with the studen t loan mess. The cancer legal aid hasn't been too helpful yet. Well see when I get the referrals. I'm assuming Nel net is going to do what ever they feel like doing and that will be separating the loans. I'm really ok with that, just not with having to start a payment plan when we have just started to think about retirement and savings. It totally sucks. And this whole mess has gone on for years.

On a cool note, my husband, B , and DD, are walking in race for the cure. I think it's great even though I don't have breast cancer, it's still as if we're all in the cancer family. My husbands mother did die of breast cancer so it's in his family. Thankfully , those genes are passed maternally, so DD should not have to worry about the genetic side.

I'm off to work,at the best job ever, even if I'm not branch manager, ha ,ha.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day, I think over my life, and I haven't really accomplished a lot , never had a career . But, I had two wonderful children who are smart, not into any drugs or alcohol and are really amazing people.
I am grateful for that.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Carla's Sunday night chit chat

Your turn!! :)
  • Reading?  I've been reading a lot of retirement books, the Wealthy Barber, the average Family's guide to Financial freedom , and Get a life, you don't need a million to retire well.all something to think about. Ok I just read Gone girl, I waited 6 months on the library list to get this. I was so excited. I was so disappointed . If you like psychotic behavior and a story that ends too weird, then this is the book for you. I really really didn't like it. I guess I like a story with an ending I can live with this, but this was not my kinda thing .

  • Listening to?right now it's rain on the roof.
  • Watching?last night we finished "the hunger games" , ok I guess the books was better, of course.
  • Cooking/Baking? I made cheese enchilada casserole, pintos  and brown rice. Tonight is leftovers.
  • Happy you accomplished this week?Worked my 3 library shifts of 4 hours each, so my hem/ onc, walked 4 days. Am making progress on getting rid of the Life magazines. If you don't know, I had an eBay store that sold Life. I did pretty well, except now, none of the ones I have really sell. So I'm getting rid of most. I'm keeping 9 bins of history, Kennedy , Martin Luther king, civil rights, moon walk etc. if anyone wants any of my give always let me know. You can have them for the postage price. A lot of people do birthdays, anniversaries etc.
  • Looking forward to next week? Walking more, working, decluttering more. The Flylady zone is the kitchen, usually a big job.
  • Thankful for today?As usual, my continuing very good partial remission. Waiting for my SPEP  test and immuinopherisis test
  • *Bonus Question* What are the "top 3" things on your to do list for next week? One thing on my mini goals with B, walk more, work on freezer meals. Yeah, I finally got my little chest freezer, thanks to the leukemia  and Lymphoma society, which has given me a grant and I get my share of my husbands insurance bill refunded. They are such a great organization. If anyone  is a runner, check out the LLS, team continuum which raises money for people like me with blood cancers...!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May goals

My goals for may will be
* put $500 back in sinking funds ,that were used for birthday, car tags, and spring household stuff.
*go away with B on a work trip to Tahoe!
*my daughters 28 birthday is may 29! Wow it seems like yesterday!
*with my new freezer , work on stockpiling concept, so I spend less on food.
* walk 5x per week
*get my life magazines down to 6 bins of keepers, even that is too much , but it's a place to work toward. Unfortunately, the ones left, that I don't want really don't sell, so I've been giving them to goodwill.
* emotionally , handle what my blood work comes back as. Right now, my blood work is all normal except for the serum protein  which , is at .34. Still very low but it is dectable. I'll know next week what it is. Then I don t see my doctor till middle of June since he's on vacation, so I will enjoy that time .
I'm sure there more,but I'll leave it at that.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A new week, a new month!

Today is the last day of April. It's been a good month. We're almost done with the chicken coop, the chickies are really growing. Went on our mini trip to Monterey. Lots of other stuff too.
Budget wise I'd say we did ok. Starting tomorrow, may 1 , I'm going to track food, non food, pet food all separately . I do this now but not on single designated sheets. So I think that's how I'll do it. Especially since cat food costs a lot. We have 4 cats who eat a lot. Birds, and now chicken food.

We still need to finish the chicken coop, buy birthday presents for my daughter, and who knows what else.
I see the doctor tomorrow , never fun but necessary. I don't get nervous till I know my blood results are due, then very nervous.
Well, I'm off to my little job at the library.
Still dealing with SOB 's at the student loan division. If this isn't resolved a payment plan will start in June. We barely make it now, how is that going to be. It'll suck, because we just started to see the light at the end of the tunnel with bills, and had hoped to really start building an emergency fund.
It's very frustrating, and I'm getting nowhere wit them. I did contact a cancer legal aid group, maybe they will be able to help.

Very nice weather this week.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Dropped off a load at goodwill . I'll do more this weekend. I've given my friend Beth , about 10 loads of stuff. Very good it's going to someone with a big house and it fits in...
Not so much in my 1000 sq ft house.
Dropped off library discards too.
Overall it always feels so good to let go of stuff. And at this point I really don't have a lot to let go of.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monterey bay!

It is so relaxing to be here, were having a very nice time.
Pacing ourselves, more for my sake. We were going to rent bikes this afternoon but because we walked so much this morning, I don't want to risk overdoing it.
So we're going to go to the farmers market, and then to cannery row. We bought some trader joes salads for dinner. So I think we're set.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday night chit chat

Your turn!! :)
  • Reading? Finished "the wheat belly" interesting. Reading " fifty shades freed" pretty much porn but its classified erotica by the library . Not worth reading. 
  • Listening to? The frogs outside starting their spring croaking. 
  • Watching? A funny British show " spy"
  • Cooking/Baking? My son cooked some lobster, pasta, salad!
  • Happy you accomplished this week? Quite a lot, decluttered some of my Pyrex collection to a friend. Sent my sister my only Roseville pottery vase. And more magazines.
  • Looking forward to next week? Today we are heading to Monterey for 3 days,
  • Thankful for today? It is beautiful outside. I feel good, no medications!
  • *Bonus Question* Fill in the blank: I am by far the biggest ________ snob! Gee, I don't really know.

Monday morning and a look at the last week

Last week was a good week overall. Walked almost everyday. I have to watch my low back but I still need to move.
WW is going ok. I wish I was dropping the pounds but it seems I'm staying about the same. This week I'm going to start to cut out all wheat. It's hard to do as I'm a bread girl and I love making bread. But I want to drop the pounds. Also, have some no alcohol days. But I love my glass of wine outside this time of year.

Heading out on an adventure today with B. the ocean is calling
I'm also working on my other blog at christina1952!   christina1952.wordpress.comNot sure how to link them yet or switch one over. I like the look of the other blog better. But most of my posts have been here. Still can't quite figure out how to keep another persons blog linked. Or do I have to do it each time?

So do have to do that each time?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday night chit chat!

Ok!! Your turn! :)

Reading? I'm actually re reading "you can buy happiness and its cheap " by Tammy strobel

Watching.?just finished"the following " wow , that is scary and so intense.
Listening to? Nothing
Cooking/baking? We had stir fry tofu and chicken!
Happy you accomplished this week? Actually a lot, budget is good, worked 3 days, de cluttered, and that's it.
Looking forward to next week? Working, going to call an attorney about my student loan mess, grocery shop, and probably more.

Thankful for today? As always, that I feel good. My L 1 was out , inflamed, all week so I didn't walk much. But it  feels better today, so I'll walk tomorrow .
*Bonus Question* What is your *ideal* wake up time and what time do you *usually* wake up?
I wake up at 4 am to take my thyroid pill. Then  go back to sleep to around 6am. Then actually get out of bed around 6:30.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday update

Well the tax man cometh! Today was the day our taxes came out, kinda a bummer. But we had the money from the stock sale. A glorious day out and I can't walk because my low back L1 is out. I have a bulging disc there and every once in a while it goes. It is sore and inflamed. So no walking for at least 3-4 days. Here I was walking every day. Oh well;(

We decided not to pay off the Prius and hang on to the money and make extra payments. That feels good. We've met our April savings and beyond. We just need to get sinking funds going. We don't have a lot left over in each check so we need to be careful...

Dinner is chicken fajhitas , and tofu fajhitas .

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April savings update

Well, we did it , of course it was my husbands bonus that did it.
$1000 in sinking funds to cover, car tags, birthday, Costco membership and AAA membership. That leaves some left over even.
$1000 zero balance in checking.
Husband used $500 to by a tablet and a music amplifier. 
So, that was his bonus, and we reached our April goals.
I'm also adding $5 dollar bills to the $5 challenge, and I'm current on the 52 week savings plan.
So all in all I'm very happy.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday night chit chat with Carla and what's coming up this week!

Ok, your turn!

Reading? Well, I just finished Nature Noir, about a state ranger right here in the auburn ,ca area where we live. It was interesting, not great.
Then also just finished " raining cat sitters and dogs" , this a really cute mystery series that takes place in Florida. Good characters.
Watching?well, I'm hoping to finish Downton Abbey tonight. So far it's great but sad.
Listening to? A wood wick candle burning, they crackle.
Cooking/baking? Tonight is Greek pasta salad and grilled chicken.
Happy you accomplished this week?Alot,  worked 3 days, of course I only work 4 hours each shift. Saw my oncologist, cooked every night. Kept the house up and walked 3 times.
Looking forward to next week? Just same old same old, but I'm always grateful for another day.
Thankful for today? Just everything!!!!!!!
*Bonus Question* What is your regular day to day "outfit"?
Usually jeans and a t shirt with a shirt over.

This week not much is going on, I still need to do the menu for the week. I'd like to move over 75 to our Christmas fund , keep looking at budget stuff,as usual.
Hubby is working out of town Wednesday-Friday.
I think that's it .

Monday, April 1, 2013

Trying another link
see my previous post.Half dozen daily

Trying to get links working

Noho''ana Hau'ole:Life is good

I really like this blogger too, it looks like this link might be working!

April fools

April is a new month, and I'm looking forward to getting my food budget more in line. Plus, we'll be paying off the Prius with the stock money, so were going to have that monthly payment go into sinking funds. I think for us always have the big expenses not saved for hits us hard, so I'm determined to change that this year. We did get hit with owing taxes which was kinda a shock, but well be ready next year. Plus with 2 adult children still living with us it seems hard to get ahead.

So, I think my savings challenge is going to be put at least $500 in sinking funds,
*pay both car tags $180
*put birthday money for my daughter aside $200
*put Costco membership money aside $50
*put AAA membership aside $150

So that's almost a $1000 extra.
My husband should get his quarterly bonus this week and that might be close.
He is going to take $400 and buy a zoom, which is primarily for work but he deserves it . He works pretty hard.
So that should do it.

Thanks to  2 bloggers for comments, here's there links , ( I'm practicing)


Well sorry those links are not working, I just going to have to try again20and just starting
Yes, I think that one is working now,
The other LivingthesimplelifeIwant

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday night chit chat

  • Reading: notorious Nineteen by evanovich. So funny! Trying to read Vince Flynns  
  • Watching: I'll be watching Castle in a little while.
  • Listening to:nothing but my son is listening to Irish music.
  • Baking/Cooking:let's see, we had southern fried tofu, a tiny ham, macaroni salad, beans, and I did make a cheese cake.
  • Happy you accomplished this week:paid some big bills, our property tax!
  • Looking forward to next week:pay week!
  • Thankful for today: just to feel good! 
  • Bonus Question: Do you wear slippers around the house?actually I always wear a slip on shoe, I can't go barefoot at all anymore, so I always have some sort of shoe on.
  • Thanks to. Carla's 1/2 dozen daily!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Weekend to do list

So, the vw  battery was not working right, so it's figured out for now. I made a deal with my daughter, I'll pay for the battery, BUT CLEAN YOUR CAR!!!!!
So to do this weekend
*work Saturday
* grocery shop for Easter dinner, I've been putting it off
* tidy  house, it's not too bad
* 1 or 2 loads of laundry
* walk if not to tired
* figure out a reasonable budget for April . Money has been flying out the door since our stock money was deposited. I knew this was going to happen , so initially I'm ok. Bought hiking boots for my son to the tune of $137. But he actually needs shoes , and when he went backpacking last weekend, ended up with really bad blisters.
* cook Easter dinner, Sunday
* menu for week, is almost done.
* work on mini goals for April

 Menu for week so far:
Sunday Easter , ham, southern fried tofu, macaroni salad, some sort of dessert .
Monday, sloppy joes, and griller joes( vegetarian )
Tuesday: chicken pot pies
Wednesday: large salad, pasta
Thursday: crock pot tri tip
Friday: tacos or pizza
Saturday: sandwich Saturday 

Mini goals

Go on our camping vacation alone, to Malibu
Walk more on weekend, push to an hour, hour and a half
Museum, ( didn't do last month)
New restaurant ( didn't do last month)

Thinks that it for now, I see my oncologist Wednesday, never fun, and get a zometa treatment, never fun.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tahoe, I love it!

Lake Tahoe is my favorite place on earth . Just spent the last 2 days with my wonderful husband there. This is part of his work territory so the room is essentially free and then we add meals.
It was nice to just get away from it all. Came home to the house pretty cleaned up ...
Made a tentative menu for the week
Thursday: grilled chicken/ tofu. And salad
Friday : sloppy joes / tofu griller sloppy joes
Saturday: caprese paninis
Sunday: Easter , ham, southern fried tofu , macaroni salad, cheese cake
Monday: left overs
Tuesday: ?

So I need a few more days ,
My daughters vw continues to be a pain in the ass,with not starting . She doesn't seem to care and expects us to figure it out.  I'm thinking sell the damn thing. Right now it looks trashed on the inside , so she doesn't seem t o care about it.

The budget is out of whack still with food , but I plan on getting it straight this weekend.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March wrap up!

Weekly Money Mash Up 3/25.  Hosted by simply stacia.
1.  The most money I’ve spent last week was for _____.propane at $300.
2.  A low-cost or free thing I did this past week was _____.walking in the park.
3.  The one thing I did for another was _____.cook, and drive my son and his friend to go backpacking, before I had to go to work.
4.  Something I really need to accomplish this week is _____.keep walking, update my blog, organize budget stuff, go away with my husband over night for work .
5.  Do you celebrate Easter?i am an atheist,humanitarian, and from way back , a woman who always has celebrated the seasons. Easter is an old pagan celebration, way before it was the Christian one. I love to celebrate new spring.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, Monday!

Weekly Money Mash Up 3/18.  Hosted by simply stacia.
1.  The most money I’ve spent last week was for ___food, food, food.
2.  A low-cost or free thing I did this past week was ____went for a great 2 hour hike with my sweetie!_.
3.  The one thing I did for another was ___cook!__.
4.  Something I really need to accomplish this week is ___great my food budget straightened out!__.
5.  Do you “spring clean” your house or apartment?  
Yes, I follow  and do a weekly zone. I have done this now for 2 years I think, maybe 3, and it's the best thing ever.
Planning  menus for the week, and. Playing with budget numbers.
I'm disappointed I'm not losing any weight. I'm doing WW on line and keeping track of food, but I seemed stalled. I have a long way to go so I need to just hang in there.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Budget and weekly update

Its been another frustrating week.
No news on the student loan mess, but I'm still so nervous about it. I've googled everything about my discharge being changed and can't find anything. I've decided I will see an attorney if necessary.

So , were still waiting on the stock sale money. How long does a piece of mail need, we're now going on 8 days, wtf!

It was not a good week money wise . I didn't really spend anything but on food, food food!
Maybe it's having an 18 year old who need lots of food, and I'm not really being realistic with my food budget. I had to move over another $100 for food, so I have a whopping almost no savings.
That sure is depressing.

This next week is a pay week and a bonus( we think), never sure if he's getting one. So well be able to replenish the savings, and my 52 week  savings thing.

On an up note, the weather is glorious, 70 degrees. I'm walking not every day but at least every other day and I'm up to 2 miles. On a down note, not weight loss. I'm just stuck, but that maybe because I had an in an out burger last night. So, that explains it.... Ugh! Always something!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday wrap up of the week

It's been an up an down week.
I walked 2 miles 3x this week which for me is a first. I've lost a couple of pounds( over the last 3 weeks). It's so slow when you're trying to lose weight. 
Had a good oncologist meeting. He thinks my arm pain is neuralgia from the shingles. Blood work all good, but haven't gotten my m protein yet. That's my cancer marker so  overall good.

Payday was as expected, with upping our 401 we are getting more taken out, but they are matching the 8% so we really need to. Be proactive about retirement money. I may not be around but it's important it's there.

Some very unsettling news about my student loan total disability discharge. I was granted this  after my  doctor filled in the necessary forms. But now they're saying it was a joint consolidation loan and what I'm not sure. I spoke with them this morning and I've been so upset all day. This is a big bucket list thing for me, so my husband doesn't have to worry about this.
I asked my lawyer fried if I should get a lawyer and she said wait till I hear back. Some specialist is suppose to talk with some other specialist....WTF

 So, I'm hoping this week end is better and I'm not stressing so much.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday night chit chat with Carla

Ok, it's your turn! :)
  • Reading:
  • Just finished 2 Nora Ephram books, I feel bad about my neck, and I remember nothing. Both are very funny. And so true....
  • Watching:
  • Still watching the mentalist, a good thriller. And we're watching the extended version of the girl with the dragon tattoo  trilogy.  If you haven't read the books by Stieg Larson , they are superb.
  • Listening to:
  • I'm not listening to anything.
  • Baking/Cooking:
  • I made penne alla vodka, for the first time, interesting....
  • Happy you accomplished this week:
  • Worked my 3 shifts at the library, shopped at Costco Wednesday. Kept up with my Flylady stuff,even with my arm still bothering me.
  • Looking forward to next week:
  • Well, it's pay week so that's good. Not looking forward to my appointment with my oncologist.but it is necessary .

  • Thankful for today:
  • I'm always grateful to feel pretty good , and I walked  2 miles, albeit, slow, but I did it.
  • BONUS QUESTION: Have you ever left the house in your pj's?
  • No, not ever!

Monday, February 25, 2013

I can feel spring !

The weather here is so great high 60's, just great!
We could use more rain, but honestly I don't care, because of my wind phobia!
Had my physical with my GP, who did not diagnosis my shingles 2 weeks ago. Ok he's a nice guy I've had for 25 years, but how do you miss shingles on my arm. Still have arm pain, so I think I'll ask my oncologist for a ct scan. I just need to know, is the myeloma active. My numbers are so good, it would be sad to me. 
Any way other than that, just finished "the Orchardist ", very good period piece, a little depressing, but redeeming. 
Back to the library tomorrow , so I'm excited about that as always.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Doing pretty good!

So, my arm pain does seem to be less, not completely but it is less. 
I'm trying to walk 1.5 miles daily and hope to go up to 2.
I'll be back to the library on Tuesday , so that will boost my morale. I work in a small branch library. Perfect for someone like me,who has to pace herself. We're never super busy, but we do have a steady flow of patrons. It is the best job I've ever had. It's not a career, but if I was younger, I would definitely go into library science.

Just finished Grisham 's The racketeer , it was so good!
Now, I'm on to The Orchardist, so I'll keep you posted.

We're expecting rain here in Northern California , since I have a wind phobia, I hope it's a mild storm, which its suppose to be. 

Budget looks good for Wednesday , but can't tell till the pay checks come in.
One of these times I'll write my budget goals and a bucket list.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oh no, shingles!

So last week was the week from hell,starting with strange arm pain very slightly on Tuesday , by Wednesday night worse, by Thursday really bad. Also, I had noticed a small circle type rash, but nothing was clicking yet. Friday, called the my regular doctor, got in , got an X-ray. And whoa , hang on it shows lesions in my arm. So of course , I freak out, call my oncologist , he calms me down saying they could be old. Then the next morning, mind you this now  Saturday, that little rash is down my arm and I go, oh no, this is shingles. Call my oncologist again( poor guy), and say I have shingles and he asks if that's where my arm was hurting , so yes. 

Now, 5 days later the rash is receding I'm doing well, except my shoulder still aches. So, is it a lesion that's active, and it was all coincidental or is it shingles pain. I'm fearful and weirded out by it all because ALL my numbers are GOOD and I'm I'm zometa a very strong bone strengthened , that , yes, prevents lesions in myeloma patients.

So, I'm trying not to freak. Will I need an MRI , I'll just have to see what he says after he reviews my full body X-ray. Honestly, can't I just for once cut a break.

Other than that, all is good. Our weather here in Northern California is high 60's . Very nice.

Well, I'll update when I know more.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's the latest!

  • Reading 
  • Watching
  • Listening to
  • Baking/Cooking
  • Happy you accomplished this week
  • Looking forward to next week
  • Thankful for today
  • Bonus question: Are you musically gifted/talented? Do you play any instruments? Sing?
So here's my answers :
Just finished mrs Lincoln's dressmaker,
Started Wuthering Heights
Watching. The Office , so funny
Made no knead bread
Decluttered more and took a huge van load to goodwill
I am thankful everyday to be here
No no music, but my daughter is extremely talented, piano, ukele, recorder, flute  pretty much anything!

So I'm figuring out the bloggy thing and this is my first attempt.

Monday, February 4, 2013

February goals

Thanks to another blogger I found, Carla ,at half dozen, I'm staying focused on smaller goals. I'm not even thinking much about cancer,(ha,ha,as if its ever far from anyone's mind who has an incurable blood cancer). But, I'm doing well and see the doctor and labs this week, so should know next week what the results are.

Just read Garden Spells, very good light reading.
Started Mrs. Lincoln's dressmaker , and wow, it is great.

Cooking lots of new recipes,and have a loaf of no knead bread ready to go. It is the best,  but you do need a Le  Cruset,  as that forms the 'bakers oven'.

Goals for this month:
Walk as much as I can , ideally every day, but at least 5 times a week.
Keep budgeting, have husband change w-4 with holdings ,as we got stuck with a large tax bill.
New recipe once a week.
And there's more, but I can't remember now.

I'll update later.

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18 , A new Year!

I've been trying to post for 2 weeks now, but for some reason error kept showing up. So here's the update... It's a new year 2013, wow, I'm glad I'm still here and feel pretty good. I've been off drugs since September so it's nice for that break.
  My numbers are starting to increase and that's cause for concern. But it's still low overall. I'm getting blood tests every month, so if something starts to get more aggressive , well know. I'm lucky that my myeloma doesn't just shoot up. ( knock on wood) at least so far.
  I've been cooking new recipes and enjoying that. Ive really gotten into jim laheys no need bread. It's  amazing !I've continued to work on the minimalism concept and love, less is more. We've gotten rid of tons of stuff, you wonder where it comes from...
  I'm hoping for a great year, of health and prosperity. I've been working on new budget goals and trying to stay focused.