Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March wrap up!

Weekly Money Mash Up 3/25.  Hosted by simply stacia.
1.  The most money I’ve spent last week was for _____.propane at $300.
2.  A low-cost or free thing I did this past week was _____.walking in the park.
3.  The one thing I did for another was _____.cook, and drive my son and his friend to go backpacking, before I had to go to work.
4.  Something I really need to accomplish this week is _____.keep walking, update my blog, organize budget stuff, go away with my husband over night for work .
5.  Do you celebrate Easter?i am an atheist,humanitarian, and from way back , a woman who always has celebrated the seasons. Easter is an old pagan celebration, way before it was the Christian one. I love to celebrate new spring.