Thursday, May 2, 2013

May goals

My goals for may will be
* put $500 back in sinking funds ,that were used for birthday, car tags, and spring household stuff.
*go away with B on a work trip to Tahoe!
*my daughters 28 birthday is may 29! Wow it seems like yesterday!
*with my new freezer , work on stockpiling concept, so I spend less on food.
* walk 5x per week
*get my life magazines down to 6 bins of keepers, even that is too much , but it's a place to work toward. Unfortunately, the ones left, that I don't want really don't sell, so I've been giving them to goodwill.
* emotionally , handle what my blood work comes back as. Right now, my blood work is all normal except for the serum protein  which , is at .34. Still very low but it is dectable. I'll know next week what it is. Then I don t see my doctor till middle of June since he's on vacation, so I will enjoy that time .
I'm sure there more,but I'll leave it at that.